Caroline Cayll was born in New Orleans, LA and was raised between there and in Sugar Land, TX.

She has had a diverse set of interests in regards to humanity and how the human brain functions. She is focused on expanding her mind through reading, writing, and various forms of self expression through the arts.

She is currently freelancing along with showing interest in pursuing her PhD in Behavioral Economics. She currently has a Bachelor’s in Information Technology and a Master’s in Integrated Marketing and Management Communications from Florida State University.

Elevating the mind past the human condition is at the center of her research and art.

“pain always leaves a gift”

If you are able to be honest with yourself and have radical acceptance of your current life circumstances, the world will expand beyond your wildest imaginations.

You just have to give yourself the opportunity to love yourself enough to find that honesty. That is when you can become a co-creator with the universe.

You just need to meet the universe halfway.