There are so many moments where I wondered what the meaning of this shit show dimension is. I see earth as the Australia of the galaxy - I feel like the upper dimensions just lovingly laugh at human silliness and we are just a funny sitcom for the ether. It may be me, but life feels like everything is always on full throttle and constantly shifting and I need to just have a total acceptance that time persistently moving forward whether you’re ready for it or not and we must adapt or die. Because like what do you mean we feel the full range of the emotional spectrum till we naturally get taken out? *whiny baby voice* It’s not fairrrr.  

Processing the notion of death and its permanence has helped me solve lots of questionable situations I have found myself in. This discomfort later transmuted into a desire to make each day purposeful but not knowing how so I began researching on what all this is so the aimless days I was living could find meaning so I wasn’t feeling like I was floating in a permanent purgatory wanting out of the void each time I opened my eyes in the morning. On the journey to ease my persistent anxieties, I ran into the scientific idea of an energetic body and how it plays into daily life and what came along with it. This rabbit hole brought me towards various types of healing techniques and I quite enjoy the liminal space between Eastern and Western medicine. I feel like the most efficient way to spiritually heal is to merge the physical and energetic bodies as internal conflict is simply discrepancies between the two bodies. Some physical illnesses are linked to spiritual illnesses, as I continue to search through the concept of what addiction is. This energetic body concept is not new to me as I grew up Catholic where the idea of the soul existed. Basically the physical body dies, but the consciousness continues to exist infinitely as we are all parts of the creating force behind existence itself  and simply transmutes into a new form when the physical body dies. This ideology also parallels in native cultures of being one with the Universe as we are all iterations of the same being, thus we are all connected. I didn’t necessarily agree with everything Catholic because of some moral differences - *obvious side eye* -  but it opened my mind to perceiving the non-coincidental coincidences I have experienced in life and how it links spiritual teachings to live a good, moral life moving forward. I believe the energetic body is what aligns miracles, with the definition being moments of perfect synchronicity with the physical world however that may look. I have ended up in bad situations but I am always plucked out before things get too bad and I am never physically hurt. Theories posit that our physical existence on earth is a cumulation of our sleeping collective consciousness - so according to that theory everything we experience is just a very intense lucid dream for our energetic body, the ‘true’ version of yourself. Trippy. I quite enjoy the concept of having an energetic body working in collaboration with the physical body because it opens up a can of worms on how deeply we are all connected as a collective in the subconscious infinite that Universe provides for us, which in turn gives me intrinsic motivation to treat others the way I would like to be treated. Life beyond the rock in this physical dimension is much more complex than what we are able to conceptualize as humans since this dimensional plane causes limitations due to the biological aspects of our dimension. I will try my best to give a 101 course though since this shit is kind of important as it is a concept which can aid in deep emotional healing and help an individual surpass difficult life circumstances through seeing through a lens of faith where none was present before. 

The concept of a higher self or higher consciousness has been linked to ancient spiritual traditions such as chakras in Hinduism and meridians in traditional Chinese medicine and has shown itself in modern day through bioenergetics and energy psychology. I believe having knowledge on the energetic body and identifying your own and observing how it interacts with the world, or finding the core source of emotions and actions, can especially assist to heal trauma patients in order to learn and grow from adversities. It also opens the doors to self compassion alongside compassion for others. This process of acknowledging a self outside the physical body allows the person to identify a trigger as it is occurring and can create resilience to grow past the emotion in the moment to reach a more spiritually fit state. These sensations we feel within ourselves reveal a sliver of our vast subconscious as knowledge on emotion precedes radical growth since you are able to objectively observe your current state without judgement and can operate in a calm state. In spiritual practices, chakras and meridians identify energy centers in the body to assist in clearing physical and spiritual blockages. Balancing these is believed to harmonize physical health, emotional well-being, and spiritual evolution, creating an integrated and vibrant state of being.  The chakras are: root (base of spine), sacral (below the naval), solar plexus (upper abdomen), heart (center of chest), throat (throat area), third eye (between the eyebrows), and crown chakra (top of head). Each of these chakras relate to various aspects of self in the sense of centering the spirit. In traditional Chinese medicine, energy flows through the body in specific pathways, referred to as meridians, comparable to nadis in yogic tradition, which distributes life force energy throughout the body. These two practices center in energy flow through passageways in the body and cleansing energetic blockages. Practices such as these have been viewed as aids to achieve a peaceful state of existence through connecting the physical and spiritual bodies.

Energetic healing (reiki, acupuncture), breath work and meditation (pranayama), physical movement (yoga, tai chi), and energetic releasing (therapy, journaling) assist in clearing these energetic blockages. I personally enjoy yoga because they emphasize being in the present while connecting with each muscle group in your body as you go through flow so it allowed me to reconnect with my body. Therapy has also been known to be beneficial and I feel like having a trained professional guide in processing events based on the validation of emotional viewpoint and how to retrain the body to react indifferently to the memory. Feelings matter - especially with those within the recovery community who experience more intense symptoms of a spiritual sickness. There are also so many types of therapies available to cater to an array of problem solving desires. Prioritizing clear energetic pathways simply translates to prioritizing self care and being an active participant in your life versus living it passively. The tools provided for energetic healing can assist in providing peace in daily life and be an emotionally balanced individual. Different strokes for different folks -  not everything is meant for everyone but these practices have been ingrained in various cultures for ages and so there has to be some degree of validity toward them to those who practice them. The idea of energy fields, chakras, and their influence on physical and emotional well-being stems from ancient systems of knowledge like Traditional Chinese Medicine, Ayurveda, and yoga, as previously described, which have been practiced for thousands of years. These concepts resonate deeply with many people and are integrated into numerous holistic and complementary health practices today. From a scientific standpoint, the mechanisms of energy flow and chakras are not yet fully validated by conventional methods. However, certain aspects, such as the physiological effects of practices like yoga, meditation, acupuncture, and energy healing (such as reiki), have been studied and shown to have benefits for stress reduction, pain management, and emotional regulation. For many, the concepts of energy flow and balance provide a useful framework for understanding and improving their well-being, even if the scientific explanation is still evolving. The blending of ancient wisdom with modern science continues to offer intriguing possibilities for holistic health. Whether you choose to embrace these ideas depends on your personal experiences, cultural background, or openness to alternative perspectives. You have to fully believe it in order for it to work.

Emotions that are not conducive to healing are known as energetic blockages, which are disruptions of flow and are known to disrupt balance within the body and are caused by events which occur in our walking life such as stress, unprocessed emotions/ trauma, and lifestyle choices. These blockages are known to have side effects such as physical health issues, emotional and mental stress, and spiritual disconnect. I believe that energetic flows and blockages represent the physical manifestation of the emotional and physical body collaborating to process these emotions. I know a lot of these observations can tend to lean on the “woo-woo” side to those not familiar with Eastern medicine but I believe this concept of internal energetic movement perfectly describes the feeling of processing emotional movements within the body, especially when processing trauma. The body does truly keep count of everything - even up to the point where your subconscious can decide to protect you from events by veiling it from your conscious mind. That is why therapeutic practices such as EMDR, or Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing works when attempting to process traumatic memories, distressing life events, or other emotional difficulties. This process involves the therapist guiding the client through a series of bilateral sensory inputs, such as side-to-side eye movements, taps, or sounds. This stimulation is thought to help the brain reprocess the traumatic memory. I believe the spiritual aspect of living coexists with our daily lives and we each live at our own level of awareness of these nuanced, non-physical patterns.  

Through my observations of the Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) program, I have noted that while the concept of an "energetic body" is not explicitly mentioned, its essence aligns with the program’s emphasis on spirituality and the belief in a “power greater than oneself.” AA fosters a deeply personal and flexible understanding of spirituality, allowing participants to incorporate ideas like the energetic body into their interpretation of a higher power. Many participants share how spiritual principles, such as the dynamics of karma, have influenced their lives—sometimes positively, sometimes negatively—through their personal growth and recovery journey. Spiritual practices are central to the program, often culminating in what participants describe as a spiritual awakening. This awakening is achieved through the steps, which encourage the release of resentments, fears, and emotional burdens that prevent individuals from reaching their full potential. The program emphasizes humility, surrender, and accountability as cornerstones of personal transformation, guiding participants to reflect on their character defects, make amends, and continuously take personal inventory to foster growth. What stands out most is the eclectic and resilient group of individuals who gather in the program. Many have faced seemingly insurmountable challenges, defying the odds to be present and share their stories. It is profoundly inspiring to witness their joy and strength, particularly among those who embrace a belief in a higher power and the fluid concept of the energetic body. At its heart, AA is built on shared experiences and mutual support, which create a powerful sense of community. This collective energy reinforces recovery and underscores the vital importance of acknowledging that the strength of a group is greater than any one individual. This principle often serves as a pivotal shift for participants, helping them to reframe their understanding of power, connection, and healing.
